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Patient Update December 2023 Posted or Updated on 18 Dec 2023

Introduction from Dr Anil Shah

Our Practices are well into the Winter Flu Season and also encouraging our eligible Patients to take Covid, Shingles and Pneumococcal Vaccinations. Nationally we have also seen a rise in measles cases and there is a renewed focus on MMR vaccinations too both in children and adults.

Within Primary Care, there has been a requirement nationally for all GP Practices to demonstrate operational improvements around patient access and capacity and a local ‘improvement plan’ has been submitted as part of our PCN (Primary Care Network) agenda.

A patient survey will be conducted by all of our PCN Practices during January 2024 to reinforce outcomes / recognise any further improvements.

I wish all of our Patients a peaceful Christmas and my best wishes on behalf of our Team for the New Year 2024.

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