Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
This policy sets out the practice's approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. It applies to all aspects of our work and to everyone working for the Practice
The Safeguarding Lead for the Practice is Dr Anil Shah
It is the Lead’s responsibility to:
- Supporting training and awareness of safeguarding within the Practice
- Attend local Borough Safeguarding meetings to keep up to date with policies, protocols and initiatives and feedback to the Practice team
- Ensure statutory training is maintained
- Follow appropriate reporting procedures for identifying any Patient safeguarding concerns and provide appropriate follow up
- Ensure appropriate coding of Vulnerable patients and carry out regular reviews of these Patients
- Use the local MDT meetings to support the care and treatment of vulnerable patients.
- Ensure appropriate recruitment checks are carried out for new team members.
- Ensure safeguarding ‘triggers’ are understood and flagged up appropriately (for example, frequent hospital appointment DNA’s)